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Showing posts with label NUFFNANG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NUFFNANG. Show all posts
Fresh dari ladang. I know, my story Philippines tak settle lagi. Tapi, i excited nak cerita pasal GSC Horrorfest yang i pergi malam tadi. OMG OMG, sumpah excited. 

Nicky : are you ready for the longest GSCHorrorfest Movie Marathon?
ME : OMGGGG, i'm scared.. help me!!
Nicky : habislah, then siapa nak drive balik after finish event?

First of all, thanks Nuffnang. Churp2 dan GSC for the invitation and the free tickets. I just came back from Penang yesterday morning and then sampai rumah, siap-siap for this event. Biarpun habis lewat malam and jauhhhhhh (Seremban - OU - Seremban), tapi sebab excited punya pasal, KAMI SANGGUP and i know Nuffnang tak pernah mengecewakan setiap kali buat event. (based dari event yang lepas).. yeay!!
apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? hantu?!

Seperti kata Frank Herbert,

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” 

psssttttt... ingat kami berdua ni berani sangat ke? seorang penakut hantu, seorang lagi penakut cerita bunuh-bunuh.. hahaha.. Jadi untuk mengatasi masalah ketakutan melampau-lampau ni, KAMI KENALAH HADAPI SENDIRI FEAR NI.  Alhamdulillah, berbaloi dan happening sangat event GSC malam tadi. my partner nicky yang takut nak tengok cerita hantu pun, now jadi berani dah. hahahahahaha... penangan marathon horror movies. 

Registration starts at 5.30pm and tapi disebabkan tickets are given on a first come and first serve basis, maka ramailah yang datang awal demi nak dapat seat yang best. Seat dikekalkan sampailah tamat movie marathon ni dan sepanjang 3 movies ni, mestilah ada time rehat dan setiap kali rehat kami dijamu dengan makanan... YUMMY.

sebahagian mereka yang BERANI dengan hantu

tidur masa beratur? oh, that's normal
hahahaha =P

another blogging experience by Nuffnang

dresscode for #GSCHorrorfest : Halloween

and the tickets

movie tentulah bertemakan seram dan hantu.. dah kata GSCHorrorFest sempena Halloween. ngeee..

 Rigor Mortis 
Insidious Chapter 2
The Second Sight

yang menariknya, The Second Sight tu belum keluar lagi kat wayang... so, nak tahu jalan ceritanya, jangan lupa 7 November ni pergi ramai-ramai tengok OK? cerita thailand yang sedih dan seram. lebih kurang macam tu... tak boleh nak cerita keseluruhannya, anda kena tengok sendiri. yang penting pelakon-pelakon dia semua cantik dan handsome. jangan beli cd cetak rompak ok? cerita hantu lagi best tengok kat wayang. SERIOUSLY!!! =P

save the date

at first she refused to join me.. takut katanya. 
tapi end up, enjoy sampai terlebih makan popcorn. haha

sebanyak 2 panggung digunakan untuk Horrorfest ni. 2 halls digunakan, satu untuk Nuffnang dan satu lagi untuk Churp2. Bilangan mereka yang hadir, jangan cakaplah, RAMAI dan MERIAH. 

suasana di luar hall

dan paling best, MAKANAN disediakan. FREE dan makanlah banyak mana. Sebelum movie first start kami dihidangkan dengan pelbagai jenis makanan bertemakan halloween. biskut yang biasa tu pun boleh jadi sedap bila makan ramai-ramai. semangat halloween katanya. hahaha.

selain dijamu dengan makanan yang best, kami juga berpeluang memenangi sepasang GSC vouchers. caranya amat mudah, cuma persaingan agak sengit. walau bagaimanapun, terdapat tiga pemenang yang memenangi the best dress contest pada malam tu. tahniah sesiapa yang menang. memang semangatlah semua yang hadir. ada yang sanggup tempah costume, make up 3D bagi nampakkan efek horror dan macam-macam lagi. huish.. happening sangat.

movie date with BFF

watak utama Insidious Chapter 2

hey this is the real human lah! scary kan? haha

the decoration.. menghangatkan lagi GSCHorrofest ini
tapi lagi best bila anda rasai kehangatannya sendiri

free tattoo

free face painting

after Rigor Mortis, ada break kejap and kami diberi satu small popcorn and satu mineral water. jadi jangan risaulah pergi GSCHorrorfest ni memang takkan lapar... 


then, continue with Insidious Chapter 2...  sampailah tamat event

gifts @ goodie bag

p/s: gula-gula sticky is so damn YUMMY. i want moreeee 

nice to meet all of you last night .. new friends, nice food, nice movies, and wonderful night ever. itu sahaja cerita dari GSCHorrorfest. thanks Nuffnang, Churpchurp and GSC
the best night ever

don't you ever play with me.. grrrrr

oh before I forget, I have a good news for you all out there. sempena Halloween tak lama lagi ni, Golden Screen Cinema mengadakan promotion sempena besar-besaran. WOW!!! bagi sesiapa yang tak dapat pergi Horrorfest usah berasa hampa. from 26 Oct sampai 10 november anda masih lagi berpeluang memenangi suprise box daripada GSC dengan setiap pembelian dua tiket.. WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  masa terhad, barang exclusive, what else? go and grab now. *droooooolllllliiiiiiinggggggg*

eh..... nanti dulu.

sah di 4 lokasi iaitu GSC 1 Utama, GSC Berjaya Times Square, GSC Gurney Plaza Penang dan Bintang Megamall Miri ... ha apa tunggu lagi.... pergilah terjah sekarang. tapi ingat, LIMITED TO FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS DAILY. siapa cepat, dia dapat!!! 

The first 50 customers daily will receive a free Surprise Box with every 2 tickets purchased
This promotion is only valid for any of these 3 movies: Rigor Mortis, Carrie and The Second Sight
The promo period is from 26th of October 2013 to 10th of November 2013

Thanks Nuffnang, Thanks GSC
Happy Halloween

|| thanks for reaDing ||

Jumaat lepas, Nuffnang email lagi.. alhamdulillah. rezeki datang lagi. kali ni menjemput untuk tayangan premiere Lagenda Budak Setan 2 : Katerina. Jujur saya cakap, saya tak tengok pun LBS yang pertama.   So, bila dapat invitation ni terus google, siapa pelakon-pelakon dia. then, jadi excited. OMG! Okay kalau nak tahu camana nak jadi macam saya .. dapat makan ice-cream free, wayang free & lln, jomla join Nuffnang. senang je, click je mana-mana nuffnang kat blog ni.. nanti dia terus direct ke sana. hehehe..

Dah dapat duit poket free, dapat pula giveaway yang macam-macam. WOW!!!

yahoooooo!! see you there babe.


malam ni rejeki lebih sikit.. sebab dapat makan ice cream FREEEEEEEEEEE!! apa??? i-screammmmm??? LOL!!!! hahahaha. =p  btw, thanks Nuffnang & Baskin Robbins .. it was great! so yummy! so delicious! so happening! so cool! 

sampai nak muntah okay akibat terlebih makan!!
FREE FLOW !!! so, boleh tambah dan makan sampai pengsan
alhamdulillah. rejeki usah ditolak.. kehkehkeh.

election day TODAY!!! and who is the winner?

FREE TOPPINGS when you purchased double scoops ice cream?
FREE UPSIZE with any double junior scoop?
31% OFF WAFFLE BERRY SUNDAES every weekday

5 candidates * 5 promises * 1 WINNER .. the winner is.....

 registration @ 7pm

anda vote tak untuk mereka?? vote tak??? anda pilih yang mana?

programme @ Flavor Election by Nuffnang & Baskin Robbins.

 Nuffnang Registration

nak pilih yang mana eh??

if i can vote for all flavors.. but hurmmm 

election boxes!

shafeera edayu
thanks Nuffnang for the free T-shirt for me and my sister in law
btw, its random.. so terimalah warna pink..

hope to see you again in another event friend :)

my sister in law, Shafeera Edayu Ismail Yatim

siapa yang datang saja-saja pun boleh join
and can redeem one free single scoop ONLY with this voucher

long long que for the ice creams...
amboi ayu.. untuk kali ke berapa? :p

you can choose whatever flavor you want.. 

ice cream ice cream.. everything was FREE!!! 

smileeee ;)

1 for me, 2 for her.. hahaha

while waiting for the event to start... ber-camwhore dulu!

the emcee... 

Proudduck &  KY Speaks 

sixthseal, kinkybluefairy and wakil hamis jalikha 

dialah emcee, dialah buat performance .. dialah LIANG

last performance dibantu oleh deejay Red FM ini..
wahhh ... i love your voice lah..

Ice-cream Eating Competition (blogger round)

team Sixseal menang 

Ice-cream Eating Competition (public around 1)

this brother menang, and the best part, dia ni dari Bangalore India!
FUYOOOOOOOO!!!! semangat satu family.. menang besar malam ni!
rata-rata contest, keychain, itu ini jerit kebanyakan family dia menang

Ice-cream Eating Competition (Public Round 2)
yang menang kakak yang kat tengah tu..


shushhhh don't tell my husband please..
(matila kalau dia tahu berapa banyak ice-cream ku makan malam ni)

ayu and vivy

the crowd


vivy yusof @
Flavor : Pralines & Cream
FREE UPSIZE with any double junior scoop
Flavor : Very Berry Strawberry
31% OFF WAFFLE BERRY SUNDAES every weekday
flavor : Jamoca Almond Fudge
without burning a hole in your wallet
Flavor : Cookies & Cream

(pssssttt, he is so sporting and friendly ...)

Hamis Jalika @ Hanis Zalikha @
Flavor : World Class Chocolate
FREE TOPPINGS when you purchased double scoops ice cream

Hanis & Vivy...

andddd the winner is ......

Pralines & Cream

congratssss Vivy Yusof!!!

 Vivy Yusof & Fadza Anuar .. happy couple... so lovely

NOW, everyone can enjoy FREE UPSIZE with any double junior scoop on weekdays from 10am until 3pm for the whole year!!! 

vivy's team .. very supportivelah mereka ni

you want to know one secret?
i don't like ice-cream and ini kali kedua makan BR sepanjang hidup!
 too bad!!! kalau tak dah licin dah peti ais tu i habiskan
hahahahahaha ;p


accessories : ring & bracelet by A FASHION STORY
statement necklace by DIVA, earring by Habib


thanks ayu for accompanying me last night

stay tune... shushhhhh!!!

American Airliner Plane