By | 12/15/2012 04:17:00 am
hey there, i'm still jetlag, foodlag, whatever lag-lag :p

start my day dengan check weather.. weather sini tak boleh predict
kejap hujan, kejap sejuk, kejap windy .. 

get ready early morning

sending kids to school 

take a bus

to the city 

drink hot coffee/tea .. (untuk memanaskan badan)

drop by supermarket to buy my favourite crisps 

shopping and survey for boxing's day

list down what i want to grab and buy for the boxing's day

buy something for myself (can't wait for 26hb :p)

and survey for people...
 (bank in the money, then i will buy.. no money no talk!)

having lunch at muslim restaurant
(don't be afraid, there are so many muslim and halal restaurant in london)

or if i'm lazy and on diet, just eat this for lunch.. ENOUGH!

walking .. and keep walking..

kalau malas, ambil je bus and stop in this station.. 

and at night, i will read this book for my future references.. so complete!
i likeeee.. 

that's all sweetie..
malaysia still the best

i miss malaysia
i miss husband
i miss mummy
i miss YOU


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